Bradleys big day at Everton – Cancer has no colours


Bradleys big day at Everton – Cancer has no colours

Sunday saw a very special guest welcomed to Goodison Park as the Everton faithful welcomed the smiley face of 5 year old Bradley Lowery.

Fans from both clubs cheered Bradley on and promoted the slogan #CancerHasNoColours

The little boy has brought tears, smiles and cheers to the hardest of football fans and it was a pleasure to see him enjoying himself on the pitch, scoring another wonderful goal.

Back in September Everton donated £200,000 to the Bradleys Fight appeal having been touched by his story when they travelled to the Stadium of light to play Bradleys favourite team Sunderland.

Back in December the absolute superstar received over 250,000 Christmas cards from Football Fans across the UK, pretty much proving that Cancer has no colours.

Bradley was carried onto the pitch by Romelu Lukaku and witnessed a fantastic 4-0 Everton victory.

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